On hearing the word cucumber you straight away think of those two magical slices of fresh cucumber that you used to put on your eyes to combat puffiness and off- course you can never forget the cooling sensation those two slices provided to your eyes all you said was oh! What a relief. But…..Wait why only my eyes? I want to derive more benefits from this magical green elongated vegetable, so do I slice it and apply to my whole body.
No you don’t need to do that we have single oil, which can help you to get a refreshed hydrated and smooth skin and mining all the benefits of the cucumber for your skin and hair.
The name of the oil is 100% natural cold pressed cucumber seed oil.
What is Cucumber Seed Oil? “As cool as Cucumber”
`The oil extracted from dried seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) usually by the method of cold pressing is known as the cucumber seed oil. Because of its cooling and soothing properties this oil is used in many cosmetic applications. Cucumber seed oil comes as the best natural solution to keep numerous skin problems at a bay.
What is 100% natural cold-pressed cucumber seed carrier oil?
When the seeds of dry cucumber are of best quality, cucumbers are pressed the light golden oil that drips out from seeds is called 100% natural cucumber seed carrier oil. This oil is unrefined and virgin it is ideal to be used as carrier oil by mixing it with other oils and applying it topically on our skin and hair.
Let’s explore more about this miraculous cucumber seed oil.
History of the Cucumber and its oil
Almost 3000 years old, cucumber belongs to the family of Cucurbits originated in India. The cucumber was introduced to the rest of the world by various voyagers and merchants. The cucumber was introduced to the parts of Europe by the Greek or Romans.
The cucumber has been used in Indian ayurveda since thousands of years for curing various medical conditions related to skin because of its cool nature.
Some interesting facts about Cucumber Oil
Cucumber oil is a hydration chamber: A cucumber is more than 95% water. Cucumber consists of strong hydration capability. And provides deep nourishment to skin.
Cucumber oil is cool: It is a scientifically proven fact that the cucumbers are up to 20% cooler than the outside temperature so does the cucumber oil the oil provides a cooling sensation to skin.
More than your salad ingredient: Rich in linoleic acid, Vitamin E, and other nutrients, Cucumber Seed Oil is an excellent anti-ager, improves the elasticity of skin and many more.
Quick Absorption: The cucumber seed oil gets quickly absorbed into the skin cells and all the nourishing benefits are carried to the skin.
Cucumber seed description
Cucumbers are alike fruits, they develop when the flower is fertilized and also contain the seeds of the plant. There are fairly a large number of white coloured seeds inside a cucumber. When it is the case of cucumber oil the more the amount of seeds more is the oil produced.

Growing, Cultivation and Harvesting of Cucumber seeds
The method followed for cucumber planting is direct seeding in the garden after the soil has warmed as the seeds will not germinate in a soils having low temperature. Just push two or three cucumber seeds an inch into the soil, spacing the plantings 18 to 36 inches apart. If the soil is moist and warm, the seedlings will pop out of the ground in a matter of days.
When cucumbers are grown for seed, harvest is delayed until the fruits reach botanical maturity. As the seeds develop, the cucumber will continue to grow beyond its market-mature size, eventually changing color and losing firmness as the seeds reach full maturity.
Cucumbers are cut in half lengthwise to extract the seeds. Any surrounding pulp and seeds are scooped out
Extraction of the 100% natural cucumber seed oil via cold pressing
The seeds from the cucumber plant hold a significant amount of oil and can therefore be cold-pressed. This form of extraction requires that minimal heat is used in the process, and the resulting oil retains a high percentage of beneficial nutrients. The cold pressing of the cucumber seeds preserve the natural qualities of the seeds as no extreme temperatures are used in the oil extraction process.
The harvested matured seeds of cucumber contain a large amount of pulp mixed with the seeds so the pulpy mixture is left in the buckets filled with water for several days till the seeds get separated.
The separated seeds are kept under sun for few days. Afterwards, dried seeds are taken to the steel press where the seeds are pressed by the cold press. The golden yellow coloured liquid drips out. The oil is ready for bottling and packaging. The extraction of the cucumber seed oil is done in a natural manner no extra heat is used in the process.
Physical and chemical composition of Cucumber Seed oil
1 | Appearance | Pale yellow to yellow liquid |
2 | Botanical Name | Cucumis Sativus |
3 | Solubility | Soluble in alcohol and oils Insoluble in water |
4 | Specific Gravity | 0.917 @ 25 °C |
5 | Refractive Index | 1.470 @ 25 °C |
6 | Optical Rotation | + 5.00 @ 25 °C |
Fatty Acid Profile (%)
1. | Palmitic Acid | 9 -13% |
2. | Palmitoleic Acid | ≤ 1.0 |
3. | Stearic Acid | 6 – 9% |
4. | Oleic Acid | 14 – 20% |
5. | Linoleic Acid | 60- 68% |
6. | Linolenic Acid | ≤ 1.0 |
What makes the cucumber seed oil outstanding from other famous carrier oils?
Cucumber oil v/s Olive oil: Cucumber is a better choice because of its cooling effect and skin hydration that are far better than olive oil. The cucumber oil is friendly to your pocket as compared to the olive oil.
Cucumber oil v/s Jojoba oil: The absorption power of cucumber seed oil is far more than the jojoba oil so this also makes the cucumber seed the mostly preferred carrier oil.
Cucumber oil v/s Almond oil: The cucumber seed contains a higher capability of removing toxins from the skin, even higher thanthe almond oil.
Now, we jump on to the most interesting part of this article. The benefits of the cucumber seed oil
What properties make the cucumber oil beneficial for our skin?
Essential fatty acids: The cucumber seed oil consists of various essential fatty acids. These acids are very important for our skin as they stimulate cell generation and helps in combating several skin problems.
- Oleic acid (omega6): Oleic fatty acid locks the moisture and allows our skin to retain the water it needs to stay hydrated and healthy.
- Linoleic acid: An essential fatty acid. Which means it’s vital for human health but isn’t produced naturally in the body. Linoleic acid acts as a skin barrier, thereby protecting us from sun damage and pollution that can cause free radical activity.
Palmitic acid: Palmitic acid is an effective anti-ager, diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Phytosterols: topical application of phytosterols provides great anti-aging benefits. Studies have shown that these powerful compounds actually stop the slowdown of collagen production that results from UV exposure, thereby preventing Sun-damage.
Vital vitamins: The cucumber seed oil also contains antioxidant and vitamin E. It is very light oil that is absorbed easily into the skin.
Core benefits to hair and skin
- Reduces Various Skin Conditions: If you have a dull and damaged skin, regular application of cucumber oil comes as a great solution to get a youthful appearance naturally. Cucumber oil, because of its cooling and nourishing properties helps in your skin radiant and beautiful. Also, if you are facing many skin conditions like acne, sunburns, and blackheads, you can apply this oil to get rid of these skin problems.
- Nourished hairs: If you want to make your hair smooth, healthy, dandruff-free, and moisturized, you should massage with this oil on your scalp. It will promote hair growth and strengthen the roots and thereby reduces the hair fall problem.
- Reduces Digestive Problems: If you are facing digestion problems, you can add some drops of cucumber oil into your food. It comes as a great solution to clean the digestive tract and regulate the digestion process.
- Reducing fine lines and Wrinkle: Are you facing wrinkle or dark circle problems? If yes, take some drops of cucumber oil and massage it over the concerned area of your skin by mixing it in your regular moisturizer or beauty cream to get youthful appearance naturally.
- Great Oil for greasy Skin: Cucumber oil is great for those having oily skin. Comprising great cooling and nourishing properties, it keeps the skin hydrated as well as reduce the chance of acne breakout and other skin infections.
Side effects
There are no as such proven side effects of the cucumber oil. But as you know excess of everything is bad so overuse may use cause skin irritation. Patch test is also prescribed before using it on sensitive areas.
Shelf life
Cucumber oil remains fresh and retains all its benefits for almost 1 year, if stored in a dark cool place.
Online availability
- Cucumber seed has impulsive benefits, which helps in healthy lifestyle.
- Get organic cucumber oil easily available on various online platforms and selective pharmacies.
- Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba and many more.
- Always purchase from a verified seller when doing online shopping as there is no physical contact with the product.
So here I would like to end this article hope you got all the information u were seeking for please mention in the comments section if any query arises. Hope, you are ready to buy a bottle of cucumber oil, for yourself and your dear ones.