What if I tell you that the clove you considered as a mere spice in your kitchen can be converted into an Essential oil and can-do wonders to your health and move you to a healthy lifestyle?
yes, we are talking about Clove essential oils resolver of any problem from toothaches to open your respiratory tubes to controlling your blood sugar and many more you can trust upon Clove essential oil.
A question lingers in our minds that ‘Where does the Clove oil come from?’ Clove oil comes from the flower-like clove buds of an evergreen tree that is scientifically known as ‘Syzygium aromaticum’.
These trees are mainly found in the Tropical regions having a humid climate. The main raw material used for making Clove oil is the dried and unopened flower buds of the Clove tree.
During ancient times the people have been using the clove trees for many purposes like cooking, making fragrances, and other aromatic purposes. The tree that gives us Clove has a life of up to 100 years and more.
The tree is the part of a family of trees called the Myrtle family, whose leaves, flowers are highly aromatic that makes it ideal for Essential Oil production.
- Historians believe that clove was one of the first spices to be traded, far back as 1721 BC. Cloves were firstly found in ancient Roman and by the time it was manuscript in Chinese history as 226 BC, where the Emperor commanded that anyone wishing to speak to him chew a clove beforehand to eliminate bad breath.
- Indonesia produces the most Cloves in the world, growing nearly half of all of the world’s cloves. Clove trees do not start producing the spice until they are at least five years old but will continue to produce for at least another twenty years. The oldest known Clove tree is estimated to be over four hundred years old.
The chemical hiding behind the strong, synergizing, and refreshing essence of the Clove oil is Eugenol. Various researches are shown to have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and antineoplastic activity. Clove oils including Eugenol have been claimed to have gentle local anesthetic and antiseptic activities and previously were commonly used in dentistry.
- Diffuse – This is my favorite way to use essential oils. All you do is add 4 – 6 drops of clove oil to an essential oil diffuser with some water (your diffuser will have instructions). The smell of clove will give you a mind-blowing benefit.
- Massage onto the skin – Use a little bit and always dilutes it in a carrier oil and then massage. (Carrier oils can be Olive oil, Sweet almond oil, coconut oil, argan, avocado, emu, jojoba oil, or unscented lotion. Use organic, cold-pressed oils for maximum purity).
Compatible Oils with Clove Essential Oil
If you want to get the most bang for your buck, try mixing clove essential oil with any of these lovely counterparts and diffuse:
- Cinnamon oil
- Lаvеndеr oil
- Lеmоn oil
- Grapefruit oil
- Rоmаn сhаmоmilе oil
- Palmarosa oil
- Sandalwood oil
- Ginger oil
- Orange oil
- Vanilla oil
- Rose oil
- Clary sage oil
- Bergamot oil
- Ylаng уlаng oil
Keep in mind that the only way to ensure the AWESOME benefits of clove essential oil is to use only 100% pure thеrареutiс grade oil.
Benefits of Clove Essential oil
Clove oil has traditionally been used for a variety of purposes, including:
- as an antimicrobial, to help kill bacteria
- as a pain reliever for conditions such as toothache and muscle pain
- for digestion & immunity
- to relieve respiratory conditions like cough and asthma
While many different chemicals have been identified in clove oil, a compound called Eugenol is one of the primary components.
Like many essential oils, researchers have been working to evaluate the potential health benefits of clove oil and its components. Let’s take a deep dive into what some of the research says so far.
Researchers found that Clove oil could kill bacteria cells in liquid culture and biofilm. A biofilm is a community of bacteria that lives together, shielded by a protective, slimy film.
Most antibiotics aren’t effective at penetrating the biofilm and killing bacteria but, according to this study, clove oil seems to be able to.
According to the authors of the study, Eugenol could kill the yeast, both in culture and in a rat model.
A study looked at the effect of essential oils on a variety of bacteria that cause respiratory infections, such as Pneumonia and Influenza.
Although the effects were lower than the antibiotics tested, Clove oil did antibacterial activity when added to liquid culture or introduced as a vapor.
According to the study, clove oil and its molecules were effective at preventing dental erosion, leading the authors to believe that Clove oil may work in a similar way to fluoride in preventing cavities. Clove oil was found to be the most effective at inhibiting cavity-causing organisms.
Researchers found that participants who were tested with either Clove oil or Benzocaine had significantly lower pain scores than the placebo group. This led the authors of the study to believe that clove oil may be effective as a topical anesthetic.
The researchers found that clove oil, in certain quantities, was toxic to the cancer cells. Clove oil stops the growth of several cancer cell lines, including but not limited to breast, cervical, and colon cancer. Clove extract also increases cell death and disrupted cell division in a colon cancer cell line.

There are several ways you can use clove oil at home. Here are some suggestions:
Using the oil as a spray is an easy way to add the spicy scent of Clove to a room. Or perhaps you’d like to make use of clove oil’s antimicrobial properties and use it as a mild disinfectant. To make a clove spray:
- Add several drops of clove oil to water. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) suggests 10 to 15 drops per ounce of water.
- Since essential oils don’t dissolve in water, you may want to add a dispersing agent such as soluble to the solution as well.
- Be sure to shake the bottle well before spraying.
Like spray applications, using a diffuser can help spread the aroma of Clove throughout the room. When diffuse clove oil, be sure to carefully follow the instructions that came with your diffuser.
When spraying or diffusing clove oil, make sure the room is well-ventilated.
Do you have a toothache? Dabbing Clove oil onto your sore tooth may help to relieve the pain until you can get to see a dentist. To use clove oil for a toothache, follow these steps:
- Dilute a few drops of clove oil in an edible carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil.
- Dab a clean cotton ball into the solution, allowing it to soak in.
- Avoiding contact with your gums, apply the cotton ball to the sore tooth. It may take a few minutes of application to feel relief.
- Reapply every 2 hours as necessary.
If you experience irritation or discomfort when applying clove oil to a tooth, stop using it.
Are there any side effects?
There are some potential side effects of Clove oil you should be aware of.
Skin Irritation
Clove oil can cause skin irritation in some people. If you’re concerned about your sensitivity to clove oil, test it first. To do this, apply a small amount of diluted Clove oil to the inside of your elbow.
If you notice signs of skin irritation, like redness, itching, or swelling, don’t use clove oil topically.
Although rare, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to Clove oil or its components. Be sure to know the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction:
- rash or hives, which may be itchy
- difficulty breathing
- wheezing or coughing
- tightness in the throat or trouble swallowing
- digestive upset like vomiting, diarrhea, or cramping
- passing out
Drug interactions
Avoid using Clove oil if you’re taking any of the following types of medication:
- anticoagulants
- monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Specific health conditions
Avoid using Clove oil if:
- you’ve had a recent major surgery
- you have peptic ulcers
- you have a bleeding disorder, such as hemophilia
Where to buy and what to look for while buying
You can shop for Clove oil online or in natural food or health stores. To find the best quality Clove oil check:
- Know the scientific name.
- Look for a purity statement.
- Be wary of marketing hype and product claims.
- Make sure the oil is in a dark glass bottle.
- If you can, smell it before buying it.
Traditionally, Clove oil has been used for easing digestion, relieving pain, and helping with respiratory conditions. Research has found that Clove oil may benefit from dental and topical applications, for treating infections and even fighting cancer.
As with any essential oil, make sure to use clove oil safely. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns before using Clove Essential oil.
I’m pretty sure this article would have given complete information on Clove Essential Oils. For any other question, query please comment below, and let’s discuss more on it.
–Shaily katiyar