So far, we have discussed a lot about essential oil, its usage and also the safety norms. In this article we are going to have a look on art of blending of essential oils. Yes, it is an art; you need to learn the basic tips and tricks to land on a perfect blend. But you can surely go for random attempt, add essential oils which you feel will work best.
For a perfect blend, you need to dive deep in essential oil world to create a near perfect blend that actually benefits you aromatically and therapeutically. The question that generally pops in head is what is the need to go for essential oil blends when you can get assistance from oils individually?
Need of blending essential oils:
The blending of essential oils came into notion because these are dynamic
organic liquids that work in synergy with each other. Okay, let me simplify it a little more. We often experience that working together increases the productivity and also efficiency. This same thing happens with essential oils too. They all are under one roof and so when they combined together, they perform quite better. The term ‘synergy’ is so used because they work together in harmony. In short, we blend essential oils together so that they act in a more productive way.
Have you ever thought that essential oils are not perfect? Though they offer multitude benefits but they also have weaker components. Essential oils can cause allergic reactions as I mentioned in my blog how to use essential oils? These weaker components of oils get balanced with blending of essential oils. Nevertheless, it is individual body response which can get trigger in any sort of essential oils.
This also helps to reverse possible side effects that oil could have if applied on its own. Now I guess I made it clear the need to go for blending of oil. Well, you may now think how to do this awesome task? I am here to answer that too. Let’s quickly jump to the next segment of the article.
There are oils that bring calmness and also help to overcome anxiety and thus induce sleep. On the other hand some oils create an energetic ambience. I hope you got the point, therapeutic properties of oil will decide path of oil.

How to blend essential oils:
I hope you now understand that it is really important to know how to blend these essential oils to exploit them in a better way. Blending of essential oil is both art and science. Art because it involves your perception and your knowledge about oils, science because essential oils contain chemical compounds which ultimately act in synergy with each other and bring a aroma that mesmerizes us.
So once you have decided to go for an essential oil blends, make sure you know something about the categorization of oil. Okay, so let me give you quick look on categories, essential oils are generally classified according to:
- Aroma or Scent: Essential oils are grouped into 8 families according to the scent and aroma. About this I have already mentioned in the blog how to use essential oils? You better have a look on it.
- Evaporation rate: This is another really considerable factor in essential oil. As they consist of volatile components, all have their own evaporation rate. Based on that oils are divided into 3 notes namely- top note, bottom note and base note. I am sure you all want to have a quick look on these notes
- Top note is that aroma which strikes your olfactory receptors for the very first time. This is because they evaporate really fast. Evaporation rate of this note is 0.5-3 hours. Essential oils that come under this are Eucalyptus oil, Citrus oils, Lavender oil etc.
- Middle note evaporated slower than that of top note. It simply acts as connecting link between lighter and heavier oils in a blend bringing sense of harmony and balance. Evaporation rate is 2-4 hours. Essential oil that comes under this are Palmarosa oil, Clove bud oil, Cinnamon oil etc.
- Base note is related to oils with highest molecular weight and thus they take highest time to evaporate. These are the ones which hold down the components in a blend to make sure that fragrance sustains for a longer time. Evaporation rate is upto days. Essential oils that come under this are Cedar wood oil, Patchouli oil, Frankincense oil etc.
3. Therapeutic properties: Essential oils are gifted with therapeutic properties in it. I am surely going to have my next blog on therapeutic properties of oil to make it clearer. These properties should really be kept in mind if you hoping to create a therapeutic blend. There are oils that bring calmness and also help to overcome anxiety and thus induce sleep. On the other hand some oils create an energetic ambience. I hope you got the point, therapeutic properties of oil will decide path of oil.
Blending ratio:
After discussing so much, I expect that you all understand need for specific ratio. You can randomly try adding essential oils but end result will vary according to our expectation. So for making essential oil blends, the rule that is generally followed is 30-50-20 rule. This implies you have to use 30% of top note oil, 50% middle note oil and 20% base note oil. Little up down is adjustable; you just need to decide you are making a blend according to aroma, according to note or property.
Let me quickly wrap this article by telling you one essential oil blend and you can try it all by yourself.
Prepare a blend by adding 5 Drops of Bergamot + 2 Drops of Chamomile + 3 Drops of Frankincense Oil
Do let me know, how your experience with this essential oil blend was. Hope you find the article informative. Drop in your feedback in the comment section below and let’s discuss more on the oils and blends and if any other information you require.
Happy reading and Commenting.
Happy reading and Commenting.