Today I am going to present article on ‘Choice of essential oils’. This is a significant section of essential oil studies. There are not just two or three essential oils to deal with. We have plenty of oils available with different roles and activities. Deep insights to these sections will make people understand which oil to consider in case of need.
Let us get started with our reading journey.
Quick go through of Essential oils
Till date, we have collected good knowledge of essential oils. I will just quickly brush up what actually they are. So essential oils are volatile oils that are extracted from plant parts. Plant parts include leaves, bark, flower, fruit, peel of fruit etc. In short whole plant is of huge importance when we land to essential oils. Essential oils have their roots linked with ancient Egypt civilization. They cultivated plants for its oil and used them in religious ceremonies and daily life.
It was believed that in ancient times essential oil was extracted using enfluerage method of solvent extraction which utilizes animal fat. However, history also depicts about use of distillation pots. The modern methods of extraction also incorporate use of carbon dioxide in solvent extraction process.
Essential oils consist of various chemical constituents that provide them with beneficial properties. They have emerging role in the field of pharmaceutical, perfumery, food and aromatherapy. Some are best for skin care and hair care. The fragrance of essential oils strikes balance between mental and physical health.
Let us know have look on families of essential oil.

Families of Essential oil
You must be using essential oils like peppermint and tea tree in your routine life. But have you ever thought which family this oil belongs to? Categorization of essential oils and putting them into separate family is mandatory because oil exhibits primary aromatic traits. This helps to identify their corresponding effect and further application. Learning about families of essential oil makes aromatherapy quite easy and interesting.
Essential oil is divided into 8 aroma families which are as follows:
- Citrus: This is a very popular family of essential oils that involves universally loved orange, bergamot, lemon oil etc. Citrus fragrance is deeply recognized with everyone. These are characterized by fresh, clean fruity aroma. Citrus oils are good choice for blending.
Special features: They tend to refresh andenergize. They also help in mood disorders and lethargy. Oil fragrance helps to suppress bad odor. They also hold anti-depressant, antibacterial and anti-anxiety properties.
- Herbaceous: First of all not all herbs fall in this category. Only those that can be recognized with their aroma are placed under this.
Sage, Basil, Oregano you must have used this in your kitchen, right? You should also know that these are herbs and not spices. These are described as smelling green or grassy.
Special features: These oils provide calming sensation. They have biological activities of antibacterial, anti-fungal. These are good for respiratory and chest congestion especially rosemary.
- Minty: Our very favorite peppermint, spearmint lies in this family. These are characterized by strong minty aroma which is also refreshing. Mints provide cooling sensation which is why it is used in topical application.
Special features: These oils have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. They are famous for their cooling sensation and maintain healthy respiratory system.
- Floral: Some well knew familiar oils like rose, jasmine, and geranium come under floral group. Scent of oil resembles the flowers from which they are extracted. You can reach for this family oils to fill cheerfulness and sideline depression.
Special features: They are soothing and energizingand very good for skin care problems. It balances hormones and relieves anxiety and depression.
- Camphoraceous: These essential oils have strong scent. They can be really helpful for respiratory ailments like cold and cough. Fragrance of oil is stimulating and refreshing. Eucalyptus, camphor and cajuput oil come under this.
Special features: These oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory andantiseptic properties. They encourage healthy respiratory system and also reduce pain.
- Spicy: Not many spice oils are in common use, but some are worth to try. These have spicy, warm, powerful aroma. They are often reminiscent of baking or medicinal. Cinnamon, clove and ginger are some notable oils which stimulates energy and focus.
Special features: They have anti-inflammatory properties and it improves circulation. They also boost overall immunity.
- Resinous: These groups of oils are exemplified by musky or sweet odor with deep base notes. Remember serene aroma of sandalwood, it comes resinous group only. These arequite thick in consistency though frankincense is a clear liquid.
Special features: They have antifungal, antiviral and calming nature. It is also emotionally balancing.
- Earthy: These essential oils have deep warm scents. The aroma reminds us of forest floors or damp soils. Juniper berry, cedar wood is some oils which are part of this.
Special features: They are considered as aphrodisiacs. They also promote feeling of comfort and well-being. Their alluring and seductive qualities create mysterious atmosphere.
How to select the correct essential oils?
Choosing essential oil becomes important when you are working on blends or aromatherapy diff-users. General idea of essential oil family helps to pick oil of our choice. You can always try random mix but will not it be fun if you have prior knowledge of families? Think of it. It really helped me when I was looking for an alternative for floral family oil in my blend. I knew I had to switch for oils like lavender or chamomile to come up with similar aroma.
But you should keep in mind that these families are an intellectual learning rather than scientific truth. Oils in the same aroma family will have some similarities with each other and thus we can make generalization about their usage. Still, every oil is different and exceptions are everywhere. It also happens that particular oil comes under two families and that’s because of the note of the oil.
I hope this article helps you to approach blending with background knowledge of families and usage. I am pretty sure, it will assist you positively. Please note that essential oil should not be used directly on skin because it is concentrated in nature. Always consult your doctor prior use and patch test of oil is highly recommended.
I am looking forward to hear from you below in comment section. If you also have exciting stories to reveal regarding essential oil, please go ahead. Any question, suggestion is always welcome. Let’s engage on this post.
Thank you.